These 2 Teams have qualified
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Utopia is possible
- In Utopia money has been abolished.
- All people have free access to medical services, food, clothing, housing, communication, education / culture, mobility and community involvement.
- Everyone commits to provide a minimum “work” for the community. “Work” is written in quotation marks, since this is a self-determined and freely chosen activity.
- Lifetime is the highest good of man. All life is equal and precious, regardless of age, gender, color, religion or physical and mental condition.
- All people of one country provide the same minimum amount of lifetime to the community. This overcomes the performance and competition principle.
- All socially necessary work is made transparent and offered to all.
- By means of a personal chip card, everyone can fill up their “work” account and log on to the corresponding “work” or offer it and thus gain access to the social offers.
- Each chip card is controlled by each individual. There are no parties or governments. Also, the production of goods is controlled by the chip card.
- If you do not want to participate in this system, you must go to Notopia.
- The implementation or change to Utopia is possible within 20 years!

No power for anyone (Ton, Steine, Scherben)
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The 5 hour week
Why is global capitalism incapable of providing the millions of unemployed with work?
From a social perspective, enormous wealth is simply running through our fingers, since many people are forced into unemployment by the mechanisms of capitalism. In 1995 a conference of 500 top managers, politicians and economists came to the conclusion that at the start of the 21st centruy only one-fifth of the world’s population would be necessary for the production of goods and services (Hans-Peter Martin, EU-Parlementarian, Harald Schumann, Spiegel-Editor, Die Globalisierungsfalle ISBN: 3-499-60450-7, page 12).
According to this there is a fortune in goods and services that is left unrealized due to unemployment—general prosperity is hindered by capitalism!
Property-based economies and commodity-oriented trade turn labor surpluses into the curse of the unemployed, for supply and demand govern the price of every ware. Since labor cannot simply be removed from the market like other commodities merciless competition and a decline in the price of human labor follows.
Wage-dumping, the enlargement of corporate profits, the struggles for control of market sections and the pressures that entails, the concentration of capital and the organization of a reserve army of the unemployed—these belong to the consequences of this situation just as much as the cuts in social spending.
This is capitalism, which brings about the concentration of ever greater amounts of property in ever fewer hands, leaving the general populace with ever less. However, the greatest portion of this wealth goes to waste in the form of unemployment and useless production.
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Ich hab geträumt, wir wären frei … (Ton, Steine, Scherben)