Utopia Congress

Utopia Congress

Many people celebrated the disintegration of the Eastern bloc and the socialist states in 1989/90 as the victory of capitalism or as the end of history, this euphoric mood has long since disappeared. Even if few people blame the capitalist system for wars, terror, the gap between the rich and the poor, the destruction of the environment, and the fate of refugees, there is growing dissatisfaction everywhere with the ruling politics and lack of confidence in the local politicians that could tackle these problems. Right-wing populists use this sentiment to present their illusions.

Therefore, it is time to show that it could also be different: not exclusion of many, but participation of all; Not performance and profit, but need-orientation; Not growth, but sustainability, not competition, but cooperation and so on.

A congress – the Utopia Congress – is supposed to do just that; It is intended to depict anticapitalistic social models and, above all, work out how these can be realized as quickly as possible.

The Utopia Congress takes place from 23.7.-27.7.18 in Berlin. (Exact place to be announced) The date is not coincidentally, but intentionally 1 week after the end of the soccer world championship. Large sporting events such as the Olympics or the World Cup have always had a great media resonance and are of great interest to most people around the world irrespective of their social class or their political attitude. This wave of soccer enthusiasm, which in July 2018 once again has its 4-year climax, is to be used for the Utopia Congress. It has a congress-type form: the utopia congress takes place in the form of an anti-capitalist world championship (Anticap World Championship). Similar to a soccer World Cup, a competition of anticapitalist models takes place. Everything you find at a soccer World Cup, you will find at the Anticap World Championship; Just a bit modified.